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2.6 Motoko level 2


As you've seen so far, actors are the core functionality of canisters written in Motoko. In this tutorial, you'll explore actors further by taking a look at actor type definitions, how actors interact with async data, actor classes, and using multiple actors.

Actor types

Actors can have different actor types. To demonstrate this, let's look at an example actor that defines a simple counter. This counter simply increments a value by 1.

actor Counter {

stable var counter = 0;

// Get the value of the counter.
public query func get() : async Nat {
return counter;

// Set the value of the counter.
public func set(n : Nat) : async () {
counter := n;

// Increment the value of the counter.
public func inc() : async () {
counter += 1;

This actor declares three public functions and one field:

  • The field count is mutable. It is initialized as 0 and implicitly private.

  • The function inc() asynchronously increments the value of count, then returns an async type.

  • The function read() asynchronously reads the value of count and returns a type async Nat.

  • The function bump() asynchronously increments and reads the count value; this also returns a type async Nat.

Actor type definition

This actor Counter has the following type definition:

actor {
  inc  : shared () -> async ();
  read : shared () -> async Nat;
  bump : shared () -> async Nat;

In this definition, there are three 'members' of the actor that correlate to the three functions within the actor. Each member has the type that they return, such as async () and async Nat.

Shared functions

A local function will block the entity making a call to the function until the function has returned a result.

A shared function immediately returns a value known as a future. This future value indicates that an asynchronous value is expected to be returned and can be represented in this tutorial as f. A call to await f will suspend any other computation in the origin of the call until f is complete. Once f is returned, the execution of the call's code resumes using the returned f result, which can be a value or an error.

A shared function's arguments and return value(s) must also be shared types. This is a subset of data types that includes shared function references, actor references, and immutable data, but does not include references to local functions or mutable data. Since interactions with actors are asynchronous, an actor's functions must return types in the form async T, where T is the data type.

Currently, shared functions can only be declared in the body of an actor or actor class.

Shared functions are accessible through remote calls, meaning a user can submit a call to that function. Motoko allows you to omit this modifier when authoring an actor type; thus, this can be simplified as:

actor {
  inc  : () -> async ();
  read : () -> async Nat;
  bump : () -> async Nat;

Actors and async data

To access the result of an async value, the receiver of the future uses an await expression. For example, using the Counter example, you can use the result of by binding the result value to an identifier (a), then await a to retrieve the async Nat return value, n:

actor {
  let a : async Nat =;
  let n : Nat = await a;

In this code, the following happens:

  • First, the return value of is retrieved immediately; the code does not wait. Since the code does not wait, the value cannot be used as a Nat value yet.

  • Then, the Nat value awaits the result of a and extracts the result as a Nat value. This line is not executed until a has completed, since it uses the await expression.

These two lines can be combined into one to await an asynchronous call directly, such as:

actor {
  let n : Nat = await;

Actor classes

Actor classes provide the ability for a series of actors to be created programmatically. To define actor classes, a separate classes source file needs to be used. This tutorial will demonstrate how to define and import actor classes using the following example that implements a key-value store that maps keys (type Nat) to values (type Text). Then, it provides two functions, insert and lookup, which can be used for working with the key-value store.

To distribute data, the set of keys (k) will be partitioned into n buckets. For this example, you'll set n as a fixed value of 8.

The bucket index value (i) for the value of k will be determined by the remainder value of k divided by n. Then, the ith bucket will receive a dedicated actor used to store the text values (v) associated with the keys in the bucket.

The actor responsible for bucket i is obtained as an instance of the actor class Bucket(i).

Defining an actor class

Consider the following code that defines an actor class, stored in a file named

import Nat "mo:base/Nat";
import Map "mo:base/RBTree";

actor class Bucket(n : Nat, i : Nat) {

type Key = Nat;
type Value = Text;

let map = Map.RBTree<Key, Value>(;

public func get(k : Key) : async ?Value {
assert ((k % n) == i);

public func put(k : Key, v : Value) : async () {
assert ((k % n) == i);
map.put(k, v);


In this example, the following happens:

  • A bucket stores the current key-value map in a mutable variable named map. This contains an imperative RBTree that is initially empty.

  • Then, the get(k) function is defined. This is a bucket actor that returns any value stored at k and returns map.get(k).

  • The put(k, v) function is defined. This is a bucket actor that updates the current map to map k to ?v by calling map.put(k, v).

Both the functions get(k) and put(k, v) use the class parameters of n and i to verify that the key is appropriate for the bucket through the assertion of ((k % n) == i).

Defining an actor within the actor class

Then, you'll implement a coordinating Map actor in a file called

import Array "mo:base/Array";
import Cycles "mo:base/ExperimentalCycles";
import Buckets "Buckets";

actor Map {

let n = 4; // number of buckets

// divide initial balance amongst self and buckets
let cycleShare = Cycles.balance() / (n + 1);

type Key = Nat;
type Value = Text;

type Bucket = Buckets.Bucket;

let buckets : [var ?Bucket] = Array.init(n, null);

public func get(k : Key) : async ?Value {
switch (buckets[k % n]) {
case null null;
case (?bucket) await bucket.get(k);

public func put(k : Key, v : Value) : async () {
let i = k % n;
let bucket = switch (buckets[i]) {
case null {
// provision next send, i.e. Bucket(n, i), with cycles
let b = await Buckets.Bucket(n, i); // dynamically install a new Bucket
buckets[i] := ?b;
case (?bucket) bucket;
await bucket.put(k, v);


In this example, the following happens:

  • The Buckets actor class is imported as the module Buckets.

  • The Map actor maintains an array of n allocated buckets. Each entry in the array is initially a null value, with entries populated with Bucket actors on demand.

  • When the function get(k, v) is called on the Map actor:

    - The remainder value of key (k) divided by n is used to determine the index (i) value of the bucket responsible for that key.

    - The function returns null if the index value of the bucket does not exist.

    - If the index value exists, it delegates the key to that bucket by calling bucket.get(k, v).

  • When the function put(k, v) is called on the Map actor:

    - The remainder value of key (k) divided by n is used to determine the index (i) value of the bucket responsible for that key.

    - If the bucket does not exist, the bucket is installed using an asynchronous call to the constructor function Buckets.Bucket(n, i). When the result is returned, it records it in the array buckets.

    - Then it delegates the insertion of the key-value pair into the bucket by calling bucket.put(k, v).

Want to learn more about actor classes? Take a look at the documentation on actor class management for more information.

Using multiple actors

Only one actor can be defined in a Motoko file, and a single actor is always compiled into a single canister. To create multiple actors, you'll need to create multiple Motoko files and build multiple canisters.

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